

The Packs page is the place where you can find all the packs that come with Boombox, and also your own packs, which you can import here or make yourself. This page is the perfect starting place if you are looking for a specific sound, vibe, or emotion that you want to add to your timeline!

Boombox packs

When you open Boombox for the first time you will see that there is already an extensive collection of packs that come with Boombox. These packs regularly and new packs appear almost every month. You can start exploring these packs by syncing all of the packs, or if space on your workstation is limited, sync just single packs that fit your style perfectly. Each pack comes with a pack preview sound that you can play by clicking on the pack, and playing the waveform at the bottom of the screen.

The tabs on the left allow you to filter through Installed, User, Available, and Syncing packs.

You can also right-click on any of the packs to get the pack info. This includes a description of the pack, as well as the most common 'tags' that are found in that pack.

User packs

To create a user pack, you can navigate to the 'User' tab, and click 'Create Pack' in the footer. Alternatively, you can search "Create User Pack" in the global Actions (CMD/CTRL + K) or click "+ new" on the Collections page

This brings you to the Pack Manager. Here, you can choose a custom pack image to display (or keep the default gradient we provide). You can edit the pack name and description on the right-hand side.

Add sounds by drag-and-drop, or clicking on the 'Add Sounds' button. Once your pack has sounds, it will look like the below:

Here, you can edit the name of each sound, and add custom tags that can be searched on the Browse page.

When you upload sounds, we try to detect the natural 'cue point' of the sound, i.e., where the sound impacts. If you want to change this cue point, you can do so in the sound panel on the right. The cue point is utilized when integrating with specific actions via Connections.

If you are happy with your pack, you can hit "Save" in the footer and close the Pack Manager.

Last updated